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Signature of David Forr...
Ioannis Calvini comment...
Image Title
Signature of David Forrest
Parent Work Title
Ioannis Calvini commentarii in Isaiam Prophetam ad Edwardum VI angliae regem..
Reference Number
Date Created
Spencer 12040.1
Title page
The Byble: that is to s...
Parent Work Title
The Byble: that is to say, al the holy Scripture conteined in the olde [an]d new Testament, faythfully set furth according to y' Coppy of Thomas Mathewes tra[n]slacio[n], wherunto are added certaine learned Prologes, [an]d Annotacio[n]s for the better vnderstandingof many hard places thorowout the whole Byble ....
Image Title
Title page
Title page
Spencer 12040.1
Engraving of the arms o...
The Byble: that is to s...
Parent Work Title
The Byble: that is to say, al the holy Scripture conteined in the olde [an]d new Testament, faythfully set furth according to y' Coppy of Thomas Mathewes tra[n]slacio[n], wherunto are added certaine learned Prologes, [an]d Annotacio[n]s for the better vnderstandingof many hard places thorowout the whole Byble ....
Image Title
Engraving of the arms of Edward VI
Spencer 19632
An, A, B, C. wyth a Cat...
Parent Work Title
An, A, B, C. wyth a Cathechisme, that is to saye:an instruction to be learned of euerye chylde before he be brought to be confyrmed of thee Bysshoppe / sette forth by thee kinges Maiestye. Whereunto is also ioyned the Letany and Suffrages wyth certayne Graces to be sayde at dyner and supper.
Image Title
Civ [v] - Cv [r]
Spencer 19632
An, A, B, C. wyth a Cat...
Parent Work Title
An, A, B, C. wyth a Cathechisme, that is to saye:an instruction to be learned of euerye chylde before he be brought to be confyrmed of thee Bysshoppe / sette forth by thee kinges Maiestye. Whereunto is also ioyned the Letany and Suffrages wyth certayne Graces to be sayde at dyner and supper.
Image Title
Cv [v] - Cvi [r]
Spencer 20015
[rev.D]The Byble, that ...
Parent Work Title
[rev.D]The Byble, that is to saye, all the holye Scripture : In whiche are contayned the olde and new Testament, truly and purely translated into Englishe, & now lately with great industry & diligence recognysed ... : [Colophon:] [leaf] Here endeth the whole Byble after the translacion of Thomas Mathew, with all hys Prologues ... And after euerye Chapter of the boke are there added many playne Annotacions and exposicions of suche places as vnto the symple vnlearned seame heard to vnderstand. with other dyuers notable matters as ye shall fynde noted nexte vnto the Callender. Diligentlye perused and corrected.
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