Browse All : Bible from 1551

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Title page
Spencer 12040.1
Title page
The Byble: that is to s...
Parent Work Title
The Byble: that is to say, al the holy Scripture conteined in the olde [an]d new Testament, faythfully set furth according to y' Coppy of Thomas Mathewes tra[n]slacio[n], wherunto are added certaine learned Prologes, [an]d Annotacio[n]s for the better vnderstandingof many hard places thorowout the whole Byble ....
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Title page
Title page
Engraving of the arms of Edward VI
Spencer 12040.1
Engraving of the arms o...
The Byble: that is to s...
Parent Work Title
The Byble: that is to say, al the holy Scripture conteined in the olde [an]d new Testament, faythfully set furth according to y' Coppy of Thomas Mathewes tra[n]slacio[n], wherunto are added certaine learned Prologes, [an]d Annotacio[n]s for the better vnderstandingof many hard places thorowout the whole Byble ....
Image Title
Engraving of the arms of Edward VI
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