Browse All : English, Middle (1100-1500) by Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534?

1-13 of 13
Bookreader 15002
Incunable 15002
Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534...
Parent Work Title
Statuta Angliae: XI Henry VII
Reference Number
Incunable 15002
Bookreader 15389
Incunable 15389
[Worde, Wynkyn de, -153...
Parent Work Title
Here begynneth the legende named in Latyn Legenda aurea, that is to say in Englyshe The golden legende;: For lyke as passeth golde in valewe al other metallys, soo thys legende excedeth all other bokes
Reference Number
Incunable 15389
Bookreader 15411
Incunable 15411
[Worde, Wynkyn de, -153...
Parent Work Title
Vitas patrum
Reference Number
Incunable 15411
Bookreader 15416.1
Incunable 15416.1
[Worde, Wynkyn de, -153...
Parent Work Title
Here begynnethe a lytyll treatyse whiche is called the. xii; profytes of trybulacyon
Reference Number
Incunable 15416.1
Bookreader 15416.2
Incunable 15416.2
Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534...
Parent Work Title
The doctrynalle of dethe
Reference Number
Incunable 15416.2
Bookreader 15416.4
Incunable 15416.4
Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534...
Parent Work Title
rev.D Here begynneth the boke of comforte/agaynste all trybulacyons; Engraving beneath title
Reference Number
Incunable 15416.4
Bookreader 15416.5
Incunable 15416.5
Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534...
Parent Work Title
The dyenge creature
Reference Number
Incunable 15416.5
Bookreader 15416.6
Incunable 15416.6
[Worde, Wynkyn de, -153...
Parent Work Title
Rycharde Rolle hermyte of Hampull in his contemplacyons of the drede and loue of god with other dyuerse tytles as it sheweth in his table
Reference Number
Incunable 15416.6
Bookreader 16982
Incunable 16982
[Worde, Wynkyn de, -153...
Parent Work Title
Incipit liber qui festialis appellatur
Reference Number
Incunable 16982
Bookreader 15396
Spencer 15396
[Malory, Thomas, Sir, a...
Parent Work Title
Thus endyth this noble & ioyous boke entytled Le morte Dathur;: Notwythstandyng it treateth of the byrth lyf & actes of the sayd Kynge Arthur; Of his noble kayghts of the rounde table; Theyr merueyllous enquestes & aduentures; Thachyeuynge of the Sancgreall; And in the end the dolourous deth; & departynge out of thisworlde of them al.; And deuyded in to.xxi; bokes chapitred; & enprynted fyrst by Wylliam Caxton
Reference Number
Spencer 15396
Bookreader 15541
Spencer 15541
Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534...
Parent Work Title
This tretyse is of loue and spekyth of iiij of the most specyall louys that ben in the worlde
Reference Number
Spencer 15541
Bookreader 19668
Spencer 19668
[Worde, Wynkyn de, -153...
Parent Work Title
This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge and huntynge: and also of diuysynge of cote armours; It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses: wyth othe commendable treatyses; And ferdermore of the blasynge of armys: as here after it maye appere
Reference Number
Spencer 19668
Bookreader 15416.3
Incunable 15416.3
Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534...
Parent Work Title
Here begynneth a lytell treatyse called Ars moriendi
Reference Number
Incunable 15416.3
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