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Browse All : Images by Alsop, Bernard, active 1616-1650

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Spencer 6904.4
A Certaine And Perfect ...
Parent Work Title
A Certaine And Perfect Relation Of The Encovnter And Bloody Slavghter which is newly happened betweene the Marquesse Spinolas forces, and the forces within the Towne of Breda ... : With the copie of a Letter sent by the Marquis Spinola to the Archdusses of Austria ... to this effect, openly shewing his priuate intent for what causes the must of necessitie leaue the siege of Breda, and would haue done before now, had it not beene that hee must haue indangered to haue left his Ordnance behind him. Likewise a confirmatiue rehearsall of relieuing the Towne of Breda after a new inuention, with the Prince of Oranges designes, both to annoy the enemy, and drowne their trenches..
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