Who What Where When



  1. Adeodatus II, Pope, -676 (1)
  2. Adrian I, Pope, -795 (1)
  3. Agapetus I, Pope, -536 (1)
  4. Agatho, Pope, -681 (1)
  5. Alexander I, Pope, -115 o … (2)
  6. Alexander, the Great, 356 … (1)
  7. Alfred, King of England, … (1)
  8. Amalric I, King of Jerusa … (1)
  9. Anacletus, Pope (1)
  10. Anastasius I, Pope, -401 (1)
  11. Anastasius II, Emperor of … (2)
  12. Anastasius II, Pope, -498 (1)
  13. Anicetus, Pope, -approxim … (1)
  14. Anterus, Pope, -236 (1)
  15. Antoninus Augustus, Marcu … (1)
  16. Antoninus Pius, Emperor o … (1)
  17. Arcadius, Emperor of the … (1)
  18. Arthur, King (2)
  19. Augustus, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  20. Aurelian, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  21. Baudouin IV, King of Jeru … (1)
  22. Baudouin V, King of Jerus … (1)
  23. Benedict I, Pope, -579 (2)
  24. Benedict II, Pope, - 685 (1)
  25. Benedict XI, Pope, 1240-1 … (1)
  26. Benedict XII, Pope, -1342 (1)
  27. Bolton, James (2)
  28. Boniface I, Pope, -422 (2)
  29. Boniface II, Pope, -532 (1)
  30. Boniface V, Pope, -625 (1)
  31. Boniface VIII, Pope, -130 … (1)
  32. Boniface, IV, Pope, -615 (1)
  33. Brutus the Trojan (Legend … (1)
  34. Caesar, Julius (2)
  35. Caligula, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  36. Callistus I, Pope, -appro … (1)
  37. Carus, Emperor of Rome (1)
  38. Celestine I, Pope, -432 (1)
  39. Celestine V, Pope, 1215-1 … (1)
  40. Charlemagne, Emperor, 742 … (2)
  41. Charles II, King of Franc … (2)
  42. Charles III, King of Fran … (1)
  43. Charles IV, King of Franc … (1)
  44. Charles Martel, approxima … (2)
  45. Childéric I, King of th … (1)
  46. Claudius, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  47. Claudius, II, Emperor of … (2)
  48. Clement I, Pope (1)
  49. Clement V, Pope, approxim … (1)
  50. Clement VI, Pope, approxi … (1)
  51. Clotaire I, King of the F … (1)
  52. Clotaire II, King of the … (1)
  53. Clovis, King of the Frank … (1)
  54. Conon, Pope, -687 (1)
  55. Constans I, Emperor of Ro … (1)
  56. Constantine I, Emperor of … (2)
  57. Constantine II, Emperor o … (1)
  58. Constantine III, Emperor … (2)
  59. Constantine IV, Emperor o … (2)
  60. Constantine V Copronymus, … (1)
  61. Constantine VI, Emperor o … (1)
  62. Constantine, Pope, -715 (1)
  63. Constantius I, Emperor of … (1)
  64. Constantius II, Emperor o … (1)
  65. Cordelia, Queen (Legendar … (1)
  66. Cornelius, Pope, -253 (1)
  67. Cunobelinus, King of the … (1)
  68. Dagobert I, King of the F … (2)
  69. Dagobert II, King of the … (1)
  70. Damasus I, Pope, 305-384 (1)
  71. David, King of Israel (1)
  72. Decius, Gaius Messius Qui … (1)
  73. Deusdedit, Pope, -618 (1)
  74. Didius Julianus, Emperor … (1)
  75. Diocletian, Emperor of Ro … (1)
  76. Domitian, Emperor of Rome … (2)
  77. Edgar, King of England, 9 … (2)
  78. Edmond Ironside (1)
  79. Edward I, King of England … (1)
  80. Edward II, King of Englan … (1)
  81. Edward III, King of Engla … (1)
  82. Edward, King of England, … (1)
  83. Edward, King of England, … (2)
  84. Edward, King of England, … (1)
  85. Egbert, King of England, … (1)
  86. Elagabalus, Emperor of Ro … (1)
  87. Eleutherius, Pope, -189 (1)
  88. Ethelred II, King of Engl … (2)
  89. Eugene I, Pope, -657 (1)
  90. Eusebius, Pope, -309 or 3 … (1)
  91. Eutychianus, Pope, -283 (2)
  92. Evaristus, Pope, -approxi … (1)
  93. Fabian, Pope, -250 (1)
  94. Felix III, Pope, -492 (1)
  95. Felix IV, Pope, -530 (1)
  96. Florianus, Emperor of Rom … (1)
  97. Frederick I, Holy Roman E … (1)
  98. Frederick II, Holy Roman … (1)
  99. Gaius, Pope, active 283-2 … (2)
  100. Gelasius I, Pope, -496 (1)
  101. Godfrey, of Bouillon, app … (1)
  102. Gordian III, Emperor of R … (1)
  103. Gould, John, 1804-1881 (2)
  104. Gratian, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  105. Gregory I, Pope, approxim … (2)
  106. Gregory II, Pope, -731 (1)
  107. Gregory III, Pope, -741 (1)
  108. Gregory XI, Pope, 1329-13 … (1)
  109. Guy of Lusignan, -1194 (1)
  110. Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  111. Hannibal, 247 B.C.-182 B. … (2)
  112. Harold, King of England, … (1)
  113. Havelok the Dane (Legenda … (1)
  114. Henry I, King of England, … (2)
  115. Henry II, King of England … (2)
  116. Henry III, King of Englan … (1)
  117. Henry IV, Holy Roman Empe … (1)
  118. Henry V, Holy Roman Emper … (1)
  119. Henry VI, Holy Roman Empe … (1)
  120. Heraclius, Emperor of the … (1)
  121. Herod I, King of Judea, 7 … (2)
  122. Hilarius, Pope, -468 (1)
  123. Honorius I, Pope, -638 (1)
  124. Honorius, Flavius, Empero … (1)
  125. Hormisdas, Pope, -523 (1)
  126. Hugh Capet, King of Franc … (1)
  127. Hyginus, Pope, -approxima … (1)
  128. Innocent I, Pope, -417 (2)
  129. Innocent VI, Pope, -1362 (1)
  130. Irene, Empress of the Eas … (1)
  131. Isabella, Queen, consort … (1)
  132. Jean I, King of France. 1 … (1)
  133. Jean II, King of France, … (1)
  134. Jesus Christ (2)
  135. John I, Pope, -526 (1)
  136. John II, Pope, -535 (1)
  137. John III, Pope, -574 (2)
  138. John IV, Pope, -642 (1)
  139. John V, Pope, -686 (1)
  140. John VI, Pope, -705 (1)
  141. John VII, Pope, -707 (1)
  142. John XXII, Pope, -1334 (1)
  143. John, King of England, 11 … (3)
  144. John, of Brienne, approxi … (1)
  145. John, the Baptist, Saint (1)
  146. Jovian, Emperor of Rome, … (2)
  147. Justin I, Emperor of the … (1)
  148. Justinian II, Emperor of … (2)
  149. Konrad III, King of the R … (1)
  150. Le Sieur, Robert (1)
  151. Leach, William Elford, 17 … (1)
  152. Lear, King of England (Le … (1)
  153. Leo I, Emperor of the Eas … (1)
  154. Leo I, Pope, -461 (1)
  155. Leo II, Emperor of the Ea … (1)
  156. Leo III, Pope, 795-816 (1)
  157. Leo IV, Emperor of the Ea … (1)
  158. Leo, II, Pope, -683 (1)
  159. Leontius, Emperor of the … (2)
  160. Liberius, Pope, -366 (1)
  161. Linus, Pope (1)
  162. Lothair I, Emperor, 795-8 … (2)
  163. Lothair II, Holy Roman Em … (1)
  164. Lothair, King of France, … (1)
  165. Louis I, Emperor, 778-840 (2)
  166. Louis II, King of France, … (2)
  167. Louis IV, King of France, … (1)
  168. Louis V, King of France, … (1)
  169. Louis X, King of France, … (1)
  170. Lucius I, Pope (1)
  171. Ludwig IV, Emperor of Ger … (1)
  172. Ludwig, King of the East … (1)
  173. Macrinus, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  174. Marcellinus, Pope, -304 (1)
  175. Marcellus I, Pope, -309 (1)
  176. Marcian, Emperor of the E … (1)
  177. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor … (1)
  178. Marcus, Pope, -336 (1)
  179. Martin I, Pope, -655 (1)
  180. Matilda, Empress, consort … (2)
  181. Maurice, Emperor of the E … (1)
  182. Maximinus, C. Julius Veru … (1)
  183. Maximus, Marcus Clodius P … (1)
  184. Miltiades, Pope, -314 (1)
  185. Mordred (Legendary charac … (1)
  186. Nero, Emperor of Rome, 37 … (1)
  187. Nerva, Emperor of Rome, a … (1)
  188. Nicholas V, antipope, act … (1)
  189. Otto IV, Holy Roman Emper … (1)
  190. Paul I, Pope, -767 (1)
  191. Pelagius I, Pope, -561 (2)
  192. Pelagius II, Pope, 520-59 … (2)
  193. Pepin, King of the Franks … (2)
  194. Peter, the Apostle, Saint (2)
  195. Philip V, King of France, … (1)
  196. Philip VI, King of France … (1)
  197. Philip, the Arabian, Empe … (1)
  198. Philippicus Bardanes, Emp … (2)
  199. Phocas, Emperor of the Ea … (1)
  200. Pilate, Pontius, active 1 … (1)
  201. Pius I, Pope, -approximat … (1)
  202. Pontain, Pope (1)
  203. Probus, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  204. Pyne, W. H. (William Henr … (1)
  205. Richard I, King of Englan … (2)
  206. Robert II, King of France … (1)
  207. Rudolph, King of France, … (1)
  208. Sergius I, Pope, -701 (1)
  209. Severus Alexander, Empero … (1)
  210. Severus, Lucius Septimius … (2)
  211. Sibyl, Queen of Jerusalem … (1)
  212. Silverius, Pope, -537 (1)
  213. Simplicius, Pope, -483 (1)
  214. Siricius, Pope, -399 (1)
  215. Sisinnius, Pope, -708 (1)
  216. Sixtus I, Pope, -approxim … (2)
  217. Sixtus II, Pope, -258 (1)
  218. Sixtus, III, Pope, -440 (1)
  219. Soter, Pope, -174 or 175 (1)
  220. Sowerby, James, 1757-1822 (1)
  221. Stephen I, Pope, -257 (1)
  222. Stephen III, Pope, -757 (1)
  223. Stephen IV, Pope, -772 (1)
  224. Stephen V, Pope, -817 (1)
  225. Stephen, King of England, … (2)
  226. Sylvester I, Pope, -335 (1)
  227. Symmachus, Pope, -514 (1)
  228. Tacitus, Emperor of Rome (1)
  229. Telesphorus, Pope, -appro … (1)
  230. Theodore I, Pope, -649 (1)
  231. Theodosius I, Emperor of … (1)
  232. Theodosius II, Emperor of … (1)
  233. Theodosius III, Emperor o … (1)
  234. Thomas, Becket, Saint, 11 … (1)
  235. Tiberius II, Emperor of t … (1)
  236. Tiberius III, Emperor of … (2)
  237. Tiberius, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  238. Titus, Emperor of Rome, 4 … (1)
  239. Trajan, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  240. Urban I, Pope, -230 (2)
  241. Urban V, Pope, 1310-1370 (1)
  242. Urban VI, Pope, 1318-1389 (1)
  243. Uther Pendragon (Legendar … (2)
  244. Valens, Emperor of the Ea … (2)
  245. Valentinian I, Emperor of … (2)
  246. Valentinian II, Emperor o … (1)
  247. Valentinian III, Emperor … (1)
  248. Valerian, Emperor of Rome (2)
  249. Verus, Lucius Aurelius, E … (1)
  250. Vespasian, Emperor of Rom … (1)
  251. Victor I, Pope, -198 or 1 … (1)
  252. Vigilius, Pope, -555 (1)
  253. Vitalian, Pope, -672 (1)
  254. Vortigern, active 450 (2)
  255. William I, King of Englan … (1)
  256. William II, King of Engla … (2)
  257. Zacharias, Pope, -752 (1)
  258. Zeno, Emperor of the East … (1)
  259. Zephyrinus, Pope, -217 (1)
  260. Zosimus, Pope, -418 (2)

Browse All : Images of Great Britain

1-17 of 17
Le Royaume d’Angleterre
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Le Royaume d’Angleterre
Reference Number
Young ejecting its nestling companions
Young ejecting its nest...
The birds of Great Brit...
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The birds of Great Britain
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Young ejecting its nestling companions
Spencer 10675
Harmonia ruralis; or, A...
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Harmonia ruralis; or, An essay towards a natural history of British song birds
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Plate 21
Spencer 10675
Harmonia ruralis; or, A...
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Harmonia ruralis; or, An essay towards a natural history of British song birds
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Plate 22
Doctor of Civil Law
Spencer 15180
Doctor of Civil Law
Costume of Great Britai...
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Costume of Great Britain (designed, engraved, and written by W.H. Pyne)
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Doctor of Civil Law
Plate 23
Malacostraca podophthal...
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Malacostraca podophthalmata Britanniae; or, Descriptions of such British species of the Linnean genus Cancer as have their eyes elevated on footstalks
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Table 9
Song thrush
Song thrush
The birds of Great Brit...
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The birds of Great Britain
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Song thrush
King Arthur
King Arthur
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame fourteen
Image Title
King Arthur
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Battle of Hastings
Battle of Hastings
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame fifteen
Image Title
Battle of Hastings
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
The Crusades
The Crusades
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame sixteen
Image Title
The Crusades
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Edward I, King of England
Edward I, King of Engla...
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame nineteen
Image Title
Edward I, King of England
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Founding of St Denis
Founding of St Denis
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame thirteen
Image Title
Founding of St Denis
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
First kings of France
First kings of France
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame twelve
Image Title
First kings of France
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Founding of the Church in Rome
Founding of the Church ...
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame eleven
Image Title
Founding of the Church in Rome
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Roman Empire
Roman Empire
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame ten
Image Title
Roman Empire
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Birth of Christ
Birth of Christ
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame nine
Image Title
Birth of Christ
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Line of David
Line of David
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame six
Image Title
Line of David
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
1-17 of 17