Browse All : Images of England: London from 1566

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Spencer 4757
[l.para] A booke of pri...
Parent Work Title
[l.para] A booke of priuate prayer, necessarye to be vsed of all Christians with manye Godlye prayers.
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Spencer 19710
Title page
The excellent historye ...
Parent Work Title
The excellent historye of Theseus and Ariadne : Wherein is declared her feruent loue to hym : and his Trayterous dealynge towarde her: Written in English Meeter in Com[m]endacion of all good women :and to the Infamie of suche lyght Huswyues as Phedra the sister of Ariadne was which fled away w[ith] Theseus her Sisters Husbande: as is declared in this History
Image Title
Title page
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