Browse All : Images from 1689

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Reference Number
Booker & Mills C292.1
Spencer 6986.6
A defence of the presen...
Parent Work Title
A defence of the present government under King William and Queen Mary, shewing the miseries of England under the arbitrary reign of the late King James II the reasonableness of the proceedings against him, and the happiness that will certainly follow a peaceable submission to, and standing by King William and Q. Mary
Spencer 19473.4
An Answer to the Letter...
Parent Work Title
An Answer to the Letter to a Dissenter detecting the many unjust insinuations which highly reflect on his majesty, as likewise many false charges on the Dissenters.
Spencer 17604.3
The Ordinary of Newgate...
Parent Work Title
The Ordinary of Newgate, his account of the behaviour, confessions, and dying words of the malefactors who were executed at Tyburn from 1689 to 1730
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