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Browse All : Images from 1642
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The morall law expounded, 1; largely, 2; learnedly, 3; orthodoxly: That is, the worke of Bishop Andrevves, upon the ten commandements: being his lectures many yeares since in Pembroch-Hall chappell, in Cambridge Whereunto is annexed nineteene sermons of his, upon prayer in generall, and upon the Lords prayer, inparticular; Also seven sermons upon our Saviours tentations, in the wildernesse
Parent Work Title
Severall letters from the committees in severall counties : To the Honourable William Lenthal, Esquire, speaker of the House of Commons, read in both houses of Parliament, June 27. 1642. VVherein (amongst divers other passages very remarkable) is related how the townsmen of Manchester put themselves into armes, and stood upon their defence against the Lord Strange and his forces, who came to sieze on the magazine. With an intercepted letter from Sir Edward Fitton, to Sir Thomas Aston at Yorke: discovering a foule designe of the malignant party. Whereunto is addedseverall votes of both Houses ....
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L'Amorosa Fiammetta di M. Giovanni Boccaccio
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Title page
Title page
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A list of the old and new regiments of horse and foot, under the command of Robert Sidney Earle of Leicester: Lord Liutenant of the kingdome of Jreland, and Generall of his majesties forces in the said kingdome, &c
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Monstrorum Historia
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Binding for the Grand Duke of Tuscany
Upper cover
Parent Work Title
Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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Gallus Monstrosus
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Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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Cetus Barbatus
Parent Work Title
Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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De Pigritia, Et Animali
Parent Work Title
Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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Puella pilofa annorum duodecim
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Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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Homo Chinensis, Vir Iauanus, Mulier Iauana
Parent Work Title
Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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Feotus bicorpor complicatus Aethiops & Albis
636 - Plate III
Parent Work Title
Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricij Bononiensis Monstrorum historia: Cum Paralipomenis historiæ omnium animalium
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Cyclops Sive
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