Browse All : Images from 1589

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Spencer 6906.17
Pappe with an hatchet: ...
Parent Work Title
Pappe with an hatchet: Alias, A figge for my God sonne; Or Cracke me this nut; Or A Countrie cuffe, that is, a sound boxe of the eare, for the idiot Martin to hold his peace seeing the patch will take no warning; VVritten by one that dares call a dog, a dog, and made to preuent Martins dog daies
The Newe Testament Of O...
Parent Work Title
The Newe Testament Of Ovr Lord Iesvs Christ / Translated Ovt Of Greeke By Theo. Beza ; And Englished by L.T. [i.e. L. Tomson] ... [Ornament beneath title].
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