Browse All : Images from 1483
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Parent Work Title
Here foloweth the copye of a lettre whyche Maistre Alayn Charetier wrote to hys brother whyche desired to come dwelle in Court: in whyche he reherseth many myseryes and wretchydnesses therin vsed for taduyse hym not to entre in to it leste he after repente like as hier after folowe: and late translated out of Frensshe in to Englysshe
Reference Number
Incunable 15544
Parent Work Title
Silva cui titulus Rusticus
Reference Number
Incunable 20797.2
Parent Work Title
Liber festivalis
Reference Number
Incunable 9395.1
Parent Work Title
Quattuor Sermones
Reference Number
Incunable 9395.2
Parent Work Title
Compendium totius grammaticae, Partes I-IV
Reference Number
Incunable R37630
Parent Work Title
Thus endeth the legende named in latyn Legenda aurea, that is to saye in Englysshe The golden legende : for lyke as golde passeth in valewe alle other metalles so thys legende excedeth alle other bookes : wherin ben conteyned alle the hygh and grete festys of our lord the festys of our blessyd lady the lyues passyons and myracles of many other sayntes and other hystoryes and actes as all allonge here afore is made mencyon
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Parent Work Title
[The play of chess]
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Play of Chess
Parent Work Title
Troilus and Criseyde
Image Title
Seconde booke
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