Adeodatus II, Pope, -676
Adrian I, Pope, -795
Adrian II, Pope, -872
Adrian IV, Pope, -1159
Agapetus II, Pope, -956
Agatho, Pope, -681
Alexander II, Pope, -1073
Alexander III, Pope, -118
Alexander IV, Pope, -1261
Amalric I, King of Jerusa
Anastasius II, Emperor of
Anastasius III, Pope, -91
Anastasius IV, Pope, -115
Baldwin I, King of Jerusa
Baldwin II, King of Jerus
Baldwin III, King of Jeru
Baudouin IV, King of Jeru
Baudouin V, King of Jerus
Benedict I, Pope, -579
Benedict II, Pope, - 685
Benedict IX, Pope, - 1045
Benedict V, Pope, - 965
Benedict VI, Pope, - 974
Benedict VII, Pope, - 983
Benedict VIII, Pope, - 10
Benedict X, Antipope, act
Benedict XI, Pope, 1240-1
Benedict XII, Pope, -1342
Berengar I, Holy Roman Em
Berengar II, King of Ital
Bohemond I, Prince of Ant
Boniface V, Pope, -625
Boniface VII, Antipope, -
Boniface VIII, Pope, -130
Boniface, IV, Pope, -615
Brutus the Trojan (Legend
Caesar, Julius
Callistus II, Pope, -1124
Celestine II, Pope, -1144
Celestine IV, Pope, -1241
Celestine V, Pope, 1215-1
Charlemagne, Emperor, 742
Charles II, King of Franc
Charles III, King of Fran
Charles IV, King of Franc
Charles, le Gros, Emperor
Clement III, Pope, -1191
Clement IV, Pope, -1268
Clement V, Pope, approxim
Clement VI, Pope, approxi
Conon, Pope, -687
Conrad II, Holy Roman Emp
Constantine III, Emperor
Constantine IV, Emperor o
Constantine V Copronymus,
Constantine VI, Emperor o
Constantine, Pope, -715
Cyrus, King of Persia, -5
Damasus II, Pope, -1048
Deusdedit, Pope, -618
Edward I, King of England
Edward II, King of Englan
Edward III, King of Engla
Eugene I, Pope, -657
Eugene III, Pope, -1153
Formosus, Pope, approxima
Frederick I, Holy Roman E
Frederick II, Holy Roman
Gelasius II, Pope, -1119
Godfrey, of Bouillon, app
Gregory I, Pope, approxim
Gregory II, Pope, -731
Gregory III, Pope, -741
Gregory IV, Pope, -844
Gregory IX, Pope, approxi
Gregory VI, Pope, -1048
Gregory VII, Pope, approx
Gregory VIII, Pope, -1187
Gregory X, Pope, -1276
Gregory XI, Pope, 1329-13
Guy of Lusignan, -1194
Hannibal, 247 B.C.-182 B.
Henry I, King of England,
Henry I, King of France,
Henry II, Holy Roman Empe
Henry II, King of England
Henry III, Holy Roman Emp
Henry III, King of Englan
Henry IV, Holy Roman Empe
Henry V, Holy Roman Emper
Henry VI, Holy Roman Empe
Herod I, King of Judea, 7
Honorius I, Pope, -638
Honorius II, Pope, -1130
Honorius III, Pope, -1227
Honorius IV, Pope, approx
Hugh Capet, King of Franc
Innocent II, Pope, -1143
Innocent III, Pope, 1160
Innocent IV, Pope, approx
Innocent V, Pope, approxi
Innocent VI, Pope, -1362
Irene, Empress of the Eas
Isabella, Queen, consort
Jean I, King of France. 1
Jean II, King of France,
Jesus Christ
John III, Pope, -574
John IV, Pope, -642
John IX, Pope, -900
John V, Pope, -686
John VI, Pope, -705
John VII, Pope, -707
John VIII, Pope, -882
John X, Pope, -928
John XI, Pope, -936
John XII, Pope, -964
John XIII, Pope, -972
John XIV, Pope, -984
John XIX, Pope, -1032
John XV, Pope, -996
John XVI, Antipope, -998
John XVII, Pope, -1003
John XXI, Pope, -1277
John XXII, Pope, -1334
John, King of England, 11
John, of Brienne, approxi
John, the Baptist, Saint
Justinian II, Emperor of
Konrad III, King of the R
Leo III, Pope, 795-816
Leo IV, Emperor of the Ea
Leo, II, Pope, -683
Leontius, Emperor of the
Lothair I, Emperor, 795-8
Lothair II, Holy Roman Em
Lothair, King of France,
Louis I, Emperor, 778-840
Louis II, King of France,
Louis IV, King of France,
Louis IX, King of France,
Louis V, King of France,
Louis VIII, King of Franc
Louis X, King of France,
Lucius II, Pope, -1145
Lucius III, Pope, 1097?-1
Ludwig IV, Emperor of Ger
Martin I, Pope, -655
Matilda, Empress, consort
Melisende, Queen of Jerus
Nebuchadnezzar II, King o
Nicholas III, Pope, -1280
Nicholas IV, Pope, 1227-1
Nicholas V, antipope, act
Otto I, Holy Roman Empero
Otto II, Holy Roman Emper
Otto III, Holy Roman Empe
Otto IV, Holy Roman Emper
Paul I, Pope, -767
Pelagius I, Pope, -561
Pelagius II, Pope, 520-59
Peter, the Apostle, Saint
Philip III, King of Franc
Philip IV, King of France
Philip V, King of France,
Philip VI, King of France
Philippicus Bardanes, Emp
Remus (Twin of Romulus, K
Richard I, King of Englan
Robert II, King of France
Romulus, King of Rome
Rudolph, King of France,
Sergius I, Pope, -701
Sibyl, Queen of Jerusalem
Sisinnius, Pope, -708
Stephen III, Pope, -757
Stephen IV, Pope, -772
Stephen V, Pope, -817
Stephen, King of England,
Theodore I, Pope, -649
Theodosius III, Emperor o
Thomas, Becket, Saint, 11
Tiberius III, Emperor of
Urban III, Pope, -1187
Urban IV, Pope, approxima
Urban V, Pope, 1310-1370
Urban VI, Pope, 1318-1389
Vitalian, Pope, -672
William II, King of Engla
Zacharias, Pope, -752
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Rolls and France--History and Religion and Israel--History
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Image Title
The taking of Jerusalem
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Image Title
Saint Louis of France
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Image Title
Edward I, King of England
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century
Image Title
Destruction of Jerusalem
Reference Number
French MS 99
Date Created
15th century