Monks praying at an altar
Fioretti di San Francesco
Exultet Roll
Latin MS 2
Frame 1
Exultet Roll - Large initial
Exultet Roll
Latin MS 2
Frame 2
Exultet Roll - Crucifixion
Exultet Roll
Latin MS 2
Frame 3
Exultet Roll - Christ overco
Exultet Roll
Latin MS 2
Frame 4
Exultet Roll - Harrowing of
Exultet Roll
Latin MS 2
Frame 5
Exultet Roll - The Nativity
Exultet Roll
Latin MS 2
Frame 6
Exultet Roll - The hive
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame fourteen
King Arthur
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame fifteen
Battle of Hastings
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame sixteen
The Crusades
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame thirteen
Founding of St Denis
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame twelve
First kings of France
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame eleven
Founding of the Church in Ro
Histoire Universelle
French MS 99
Frame ten
Roman Empire
New Testament
English MS 81
Deeds of the Apostles
Johannes Cassianus
Latin MS 49