Browse All : Printed from 1498

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Incunable R8569
[Castellensis, Robertus...
For promoting the war a...
Parent Work Title
Indulgence for promoting the war against the Turks
Reference Number
Incunable R8569
Incunable R8569
[Castellensis, Robertus...
For promoting the war a...
Parent Work Title
Indulgence for promoting the war against the Turks
Reference Number
Incunable R8569
Bookreader 15144
Spencer 15144
[Catholic Church, Clerk...
Parent Work Title
Animaduertendum liber presens, directorium sacerdotum, quem pica Sarum vulgo vocitat clerus: Hinc est venerabiles atque honorabiles domini lectores praesentium quod vos non ignorare cupio quod propter id & bonum necessitatis co?e et vt concordet psalterium cum cythara in sancta nostra ecclesia cleri Sarum veneranda semperque laudanda studii disciplinarum vniuersitas Cantribrigiensis hoc onus laboris hmo?i correctionis atque cancellationis seu collationationis ordinalis Sarum necessario fie?darum venerabili viro Magistro Clerke credidit atque commisit
Reference Number
Spencer 15144
Bookreader 15396
Spencer 15396
[Malory, Thomas, Sir, a...
Parent Work Title
Thus endyth this noble & ioyous boke entytled Le morte Dathur;: Notwythstandyng it treateth of the byrth lyf & actes of the sayd Kynge Arthur; Of his noble kayghts of the rounde table; Theyr merueyllous enquestes & aduentures; Thachyeuynge of the Sancgreall; And in the end the dolourous deth; & departynge out of thisworlde of them al.; And deuyded in to.xxi; bokes chapitred; & enprynted fyrst by Wylliam Caxton
Reference Number
Spencer 15396
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