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Latin MS 161
Joseph leading ass
15th century [late]
Latin MS 161
15th century [late]
Latin MS 163
15th century [late]
Latin MS 162
Fifteen Joys: Virgin & Child
Horae [Paris]
15th century [mid]
Latin MS 20
Prayer on rising
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 136
Invention of the body of St …
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 20
Five wounds of Christ
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
Wound on Christ's foot
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 136
Memoria of Relics
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Office of the Trinity
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Paschal lamb on vested altar
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Birth of St John the Baptist
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
St Bartholomew
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Saint Simon & Saint Jude
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
St Martin
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Memoria of Relics: detail
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Office of the Trinity; detai …
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Paschal Lamb: detail
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Hab: detail
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Birth of St John the Baptist …
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
St Bartholomew: detail
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
Saint Simon & Saint Jude: de …
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 136
St Martin: detail
Breviary [Paris: Notre-dame]
14th-15th century
Latin MS 161
Virgin and angels
15th century [late]
Latin MS 161
Salue sancta facies
15th century [late]
Latin MS 161
Hours of the Cross
15th century [late]
Latin MS 161
15th century [late]
Latin MS 161
15th century [late]
Latin MS 161
15th century [late]
Latin MS 38
Three Living
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century [early]
Latin MS 38
Three Dead
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century [early]
Latin MS 38
St Genevieve
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Jacques Galiot
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Sequences of the Gospel
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Gloria in ex celsis deo
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Angel appearing to the sheph …
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Adoration of the Magi
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Massacre of the Innocents
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
Death of the Virgin
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 38
King David
Horae [Galiot de Genouillac]
16th century
Latin MS 164
Seven Penitential Psalms
Horae [Paris]
Latin MS 20
Three shepherds
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
Fifteen Oos in Latin
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
St Margaret the Virgin
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
St Wilgefortis
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 164
Vespers: The Flight
Horae [Paris]
Latin MS 164
Horae [Paris]