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Great marcys continued, or yet God is good to Israel
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The use of God's judgement upon us
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[rev.D]The Byble, that is to saye, all the holye Scripture : In whiche are contayned the olde and new Testament, truly and purely translated into Englishe, & now lately with great industry & diligence recognysed ... : [Colophon:] [leaf] Here endeth the whole Byble after the translacion of Thomas Mathew, with all hys Prologues ... And after euerye Chapter of the boke are there added many playne Annotacions and exposicions of suche places as vnto the symple vnlearned seame heard to vnderstand. with other dyuers notable matters as ye shall fynde noted nexte vnto the Callender. Diligentlye perused and corrected.
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