Who What Where When



  1. ... ha-Hazzan ben ?Abraha … (1)
  2. `Ali al-Nili (12th cent.? … (1)
  3. `Ammar (1)
  4. Ab(u Ya`qub b.) al-Hakim … (1)
  5. Abdallah b. ?Ziri (1)
  6. Abraham (2)
  7. Abraham Amram (1)
  8. Abraham b. Mevasser (Abra … (1)
  9. Abraham ben ... (1)
  10. Abraham ben Moses ben Mai … (4)
  11. Abraham Dayyan (1)
  12. Abraham ha-Levi (18-19th … (2)
  13. Abraham ha-Levi Skandari … (1)
  14. Abraham Haman? (1)
  15. Abraham ibn Havah (1)
  16. Abraham Maimon (18th-19th … (1)
  17. Abu 'l-?Hilal of Syracuse (1)
  18. Abu 'l-?Shabir (1)
  19. Abu 'l-`Uthman (1)
  20. Abu 'l-Baha (2)
  21. Abu 'l-Baka (1)
  22. Abu 'l-Barakat al-Qazzaz … (1)
  23. Abu 'l-Barakat Nethanel (1)
  24. Abu 'l-Bashr (1)
  25. Abu 'l-Fada'il (1)
  26. Abu 'l-Fadl (1)
  27. Abu 'l-Fadl? (1)
  28. Abu 'l-Faraj (6)
  29. Abu 'l-Faraj (11th cent.) (1)
  30. Abu 'l-Faraj bar ?Murur (1)
  31. Abu 'l-Faraj Harun (11th … (2)
  32. Abu 'l-Fath [Nasr Allah] (1)
  33. Abu 'l-Fath Nasr Allah (1)
  34. Abu 'l-Hasan (3)
  35. Abu 'l-Hasan ben (ha-)Sho … (1)
  36. Abu 'l-Jaj... (1)
  37. Abu 'l-Karam (2)
  38. Abu 'l-Mansur (1)
  39. Abu 'l-Mukarim (fl. 12th … (1)
  40. Abu 'l-Najm (1)
  41. Abu 'l-Surur (2)
  42. Abu 'l-Surur (Farah b. Ye … (1)
  43. Abu 'l-Surur, Ali (1)
  44. Abu 'l-Tahir (1)
  45. Abu 'l-Yasr (1)
  46. Abu (?Nas)r Salama ibn Sa … (1)
  47. Abu ?Sa`d (1)
  48. Abu `Ala b. Abu 'l-Hassan … (1)
  49. Abu `Ali (3)
  50. Abu `Ali (Japhet b. Abrah … (1)
  51. Abu `Ali Hasan ben Bundar … (1)
  52. Abu `Imran (1)
  53. Abu al-Hasan al-Hud (12th … (1)
  54. Abu Bayan (1)
  55. Abu Bishr Sulayman (Solom … (1)
  56. Abu Ghalib al-Rubban (12t … (1)
  57. Abu Hasan (1)
  58. Abu Ibrahim Isaac b. (... … (1)
  59. Abu Isaac Abi (...) (1)
  60. Abu Isaac Ibrahim (1)
  61. Abu Mansur (3)
  62. Abu Nasr (5)
  63. Abu Nasr al-Halabi (1)
  64. Abu Nasr b. Abraham (12th … (2)
  65. Abu Nasr Ju(dah) of Damas … (1)
  66. Abu Sa`d (3)
  67. Abu Sa`d [ben Baladein] (1)
  68. Abu Sa`d al-Kohen (fl. 12 … (1)
  69. Abu Sa`d ben Baladein (1)
  70. Abu Sa`d Sa`adia (1)
  71. Abu Sa`id (12th cent.) (2)
  72. Abu Sa`id ibn al-Damiyati … (2)
  73. Abu Sa`id Makhluf (1)
  74. Abu Zikri (12th cent.) (2)
  75. Abu Zikri (Judah b. Josep … (2)
  76. Abu Zikri b. `Atiyya (1)
  77. Abulafia, Todros ben Jose … (1)
  78. Ahmad (1)
  79. Ahmad at-Tamimi al-Khalil … (1)
  80. Ahmad Shaltūt (18th-19th … (1)
  81. Alfasi, David ben Abraham … (4)
  82. Ali ben Ezekiel (11th cen … (1)
  83. Aliyah bat Joseph (2)
  84. Allun the parnas (11th ce … (1)
  85. Allush ben Makhluf al-Naf … (1)
  86. Bahya ben Joseph ibn Paku … (4)
  87. Bar David (1)
  88. Bar Joseph (1)
  89. Baradani, Joseph al- (11t … (1)
  90. Bayan (1)
  91. Ben Elisha (1)
  92. Bint Abu 'l-Surur (12th-1 … (1)
  93. Daniel (1)
  94. Daniel b. Azariah? (1)
  95. Daniel Galipi Del Mar (18 … (2)
  96. Dar`i, al- (1)
  97. David b. Na`im (1)
  98. David ben Abraham Maimun … (16)
  99. Efraim (ben Shemarya (11t … (1)
  100. Efraim ha-Dayyan from Tyr … (1)
  101. Efraim, R. (1)
  102. Fakhr al-Umara (1)
  103. Faraj (1)
  104. Francis Karo (18th-19th c … (2)
  105. Gabriel Havush? (1)
  106. Galen (2)
  107. Ha-Levi b. Joseph b. Abra … (1)
  108. Haddad, Moses (19th cent. … (1)
  109. Hai ben Sherira Gaon (939 … (2)
  110. Halfon (1)
  111. Halfon ben Manasse (fl. … (21)
  112. Hananel ben Samuel (12th- … (5)
  113. Hananel ben Samuel (13th … (1)
  114. Harun (2)
  115. Hasan Abu Sahl, Al- (1)
  116. Hasan Abu'l-Fadl (18th-19 … (1)
  117. Hasday, R. (1)
  118. Hayyim (1)
  119. Hayyim ibn Azizah (1)
  120. Hayyim ibn Esther (1)
  121. Hilal (1)
  122. Hillel b. Eli (11th-12th … (2)
  123. Hiyya ben Isaac (12th cen … (1)
  124. Ibn ?Ma`rad (1)
  125. Ibn al-Diyan Manasse (1)
  126. Ibn al-Faraj (1)
  127. Ibn Dawud al-Fa`ali (1)
  128. Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meï … (1)
  129. Ibn Gabirol (11th cent.) (2)
  130. Ibn Ibrahim (1)
  131. Ibn Janah, Abu al-Walid M … (2)
  132. Ibn Qattus (1)
  133. Ibn Shekanya (11th cent.) (1)
  134. Ibn Yahya (1)
  135. Ibrahim al-Maghrebi (2)
  136. Isaac (1)
  137. Isaac (ben Makhluf (12th … (2)
  138. Isaac Nafusi (1)
  139. Isaac Tulidani (1)
  140. Jacob (3)
  141. Jacob b. .. (1)
  142. Jacob ibn Habib (1)
  143. Japheth ben Ali ha-Levi ( … (8)
  144. Japheth ben Solomon ha-Le … (4)
  145. Joseph (6)
  146. Joseph (Lebdi) (11th-12th … (1)
  147. Joseph ben Bishr (10th-11 … (1)
  148. Joseph ha-Parnas (1)
  149. Joseph ha-Parnas bar Yesh … (1)
  150. Joseph Jabez (1)
  151. Joseph Lebdi (11th-12th c … (2)
  152. Joseph Rosh ha-Seder (12 … (15)
  153. Joseph Rosh ha-Seder (12t … (2)
  154. Joshua b. Elazar (1)
  155. Josiah ben Aaron (11th ce … (2)
  156. Judah (2)
  157. Kahhal, ʻAli ibn ʻIsa (d. … (1)
  158. Kallir, Eleazar? (4)
  159. Karo (1)
  160. Madmun (ibn Hasan (d. 115 … (2)
  161. Mahruz ben Jacob (12th ce … (1)
  162. Maimonides (1)
  163. Maimonides, Moses (1135 … (108)
  164. Makin Abu Sahl, al- (1)
  165. Manasse (1)
  166. Manasse the Judge (1)
  167. Manasse, ?Bar (1)
  168. Mansur al-?Zayyat (1)
  169. Mas`ud (1)
  170. Meir ibn Na`im (1)
  171. Menasse (1)
  172. Mevorakh ha-Zaken (1)
  173. Michael (1)
  174. Mordekhai ben Mikhlol (1)
  175. Moses (1)
  176. Moses b. Judah (12th cent … (1)
  177. Moses b. Na`im (1)
  178. Moses Bibas (1)
  179. Moses Kohen (1)
  180. Moses the Younger (5)
  181. Nahman (1)
  182. Naim, Sitt (1)
  183. Nicolaus, (Pseudo-?) (10)
  184. Nissi ben Berechiah al-Na … (1)
  185. Nissim bar Abraham (1)
  186. Onkelos (2nd cent.) (35)
  187. Perahya bar ?Katir al-?Ha … (1)
  188. Pinso, Shalom Judah (19th … (1)
  189. Rahamim (1)
  190. Rashi (1040-1105) (1)
  191. Sa'adia ben Yeshu'ah (1)
  192. Sa`adia ben Joseph Gaon … (155)
  193. Sa`adia ben Joseph Gaon … (11)
  194. Sa`adiah (1)
  195. Samuel ben Hananiah (fl. … (1)
  196. Samuel ben Hananiah (fl. … (1)
  197. Samuel ben Hophni (d. 101 … (2)
  198. Samuel ben Hophni (d. 101 … (2)
  199. Samuel ha-Nagid (993-1056 … (3)
  200. Samuel, Rabbi (1)
  201. Santas? (4)
  202. Sarah bint Seniora (1)
  203. Saʽd Pinto (18th-19th cen … (1)
  204. Saʽūr ha-Levi (18th-19th … (1)
  205. She'altiel (ben?) Joseph … (1)
  206. Sitt al-Nasab (1)
  207. Solomon (1)
  208. Solomon ben Nathan of Sij … (8)
  209. Solomon ha-Levi (13th cen … (8)
  210. Solomon ha-Levi (13th cen … (3)
  211. Solomon ha-Parnas bar Net … (1)
  212. Suleiman (2)
  213. Suleiman Ahmad (1)
  214. Sultan Suleiman (1)
  215. Tanḥum ben Joseph of Jer … (2)
  216. Tsedakah bar ?Murur (1)
  217. Tsedakah ha-Levi ben Solo … (2)
  218. Tsedakah ibn Nufay` (11-1 … (2)
  219. Umar Serāda (18th-19th ce … (1)
  220. Wahish (1)
  221. Ya`ish ... Abraham (1)
  222. Yehudai ben Naḥman Gaon … (1)
  223. Yeshu`ah (ha-Melammed b. … (1)
  224. Yeshu`ah, R. (1)
  225. Yusuf Mansur (1)
  226. Ziyat (1)

Browse All : Arabic and Hebrew

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B 3355 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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B 3355 - 1
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Writing exercise
L 2 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
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L 2 - 2
Image Title
Writing exercise
Children: Writing
Hebrew text
A 246 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
A 246 - 1
Image Title
Hebrew text
Arabic & Hebrew
A 261 - 4
2 / 2 leaves, verso
Reference number
A 261 - 4
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Arabic & Hebrew
A 346 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
A 346 - 2
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Hebrew & Arabic
A 418 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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A 418 - 1
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Hebrew & Arabic
Mishneh Torah
A 211 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Mishneh Torah. Hilkhot ...
Reference number
A 211 - 1
Image Title
Mishneh Torah
Date created
13th century
[Records, Mishneh Torah]
Book of Genesis
B 6049 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Bible. Genesis.
Reference number
B 6049 - 2
Image Title
Book of Genesis
A few Arabic and Hebrew...
Ar. 791 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 791 - 1
Image Title
A few Arabic and Hebrew words
Hebrew & Arabic
Ar. 24 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 24 - 1
Image Title
Hebrew & Arabic
Hebrew & Arabic
Ar. 24 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
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Ar. 24 - 2
Image Title
Hebrew & Arabic
Arabic notes
Ar. 43 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 43 - 1
Image Title
Arabic notes
Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic a...
Ar. 47 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 47 - 1
Image Title
Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic jottings
Arabic document
Ar. 54 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 54 - 1
Image Title
Arabic document
Arabic scribbles
Ar. 57 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 57 - 2
Image Title
Arabic scribbles
Arabic and Hebrew jotti...
Ar. 96 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 96 - 1
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew jottings
Arabic document
Ar. 99 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 99 - 2
Image Title
Arabic document
Arabic document
Ar. 100 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 100 - 2
Image Title
Arabic document
Commercial documents
Arabic jottings
Ar. 135 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 135 - 1
Image Title
Arabic jottings
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 226 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 226 - 1
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 226 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
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Ar. 226 - 2
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 228 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 228 - 1
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 228 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 228 - 2
Image Title
Judeo-Arabic text
Arabic scribbles and He...
Ar. 266 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 266 - 1
Image Title
Arabic scribbles and Hebrew sentences
Arabic and Hebrew notes
Ar. 272 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 272 - 1
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew notes
Arabic list?
Ar. 322 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 322 - 2
Image Title
Arabic list?
Arabic and Hebrew jotti...
Ar. 413 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 413 - 2
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew jottings
Arabic and Hebrew scrib...
Ar. 434 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 434 - 1
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew scribbles
Arabic and Hebrew scrib...
Ar. 434 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 434 - 2
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew scribbles
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 443 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 443 - 1
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 443 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 443 - 2
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 451 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 451 - 1
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 451 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 451 - 2
Image Title
Judeo-Arabic text
Liturgical poem
A 463 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
A 463 - 1
Image Title
Liturgical poem
Liturgy and Poetry
Arabic and Hebrew scrib...
Ar. 502 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 502 - 1
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew scribbles
Arabic address and Arab...
Ar. 550 - 2
1 / 2 leaves, verso
Reference number
Ar. 550 - 2
Image Title
Arabic address and Arabic and Hebrew scribbles
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 563 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 563 - 1
Image Title
Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 563 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
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Ar. 563 - 2
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Judeo-Arabic text
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 564 - 1
1 / 2 leaves, recto
Reference number
Ar. 564 - 1
Image Title
Judeo-Arabic text
Arabic and Hebrew jotti...
Ar. 576 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 576 - 1
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew jottings
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 601 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 601 - 1
Image Title
Judeo-Arabic text
Calendar table?
Ar. 620 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
Ar. 620 - 2
Image Title
Calendar table?
Judeo-Arabic text
Ar. 642 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 642 - 1
Image Title
Judeo-Arabic text
Arabic and Hebrew scrib...
Ar. 702 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
Reference number
Ar. 702 - 1
Image Title
Arabic and Hebrew scribbles and pen trials
Two fragments
Ar. 803 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
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Ar. 803 - 2
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Two fragments
Ar. 817 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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Ar. 817 - 1
Image Title
Writing exercise
A 585 - 1
1 / 1 leaf, recto
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A 585 - 1
Image Title
Writing exercise
Children: Writing
Writing exercise
A 585 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
A 585 - 2
Image Title
Writing exercise
Children: Writing
Hebrew & Arabic
A 646 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
A 646 - 2
Image Title
Hebrew & Arabic
Liturgy and Poetry
Arabic text
A 736 - 2
1 / 1 leaf, verso
Reference number
A 736 - 2
Image Title
Arabic text
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