Browse All : Alphabet and Christianity and Religion
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Gregorii Moralium, Libri XI-XVI
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Illuminated Initial 'Q'
Parent Work Title
An, A, B, C. wyth a Cathechisme, that is to saye:an instruction to be learned of euerye chylde before he be brought to be confyrmed of thee Bysshoppe / sette forth by thee kinges Maiestye. Whereunto is also ioyned the Letany and Suffrages wyth certayne Graces to be sayde at dyner and supper.
Image Title
Civ [v] - Cv [r]
Parent Work Title
An, A, B, C. wyth a Cathechisme, that is to saye:an instruction to be learned of euerye chylde before he be brought to be confyrmed of thee Bysshoppe / sette forth by thee kinges Maiestye. Whereunto is also ioyned the Letany and Suffrages wyth certayne Graces to be sayde at dyner and supper.
Image Title
Cv [v] - Cvi [r]
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