The Faith of one God, who is only the Father; : and of one mediator between God and men, who is only the man Christ Jesus; and of one Holy Spirit, the gift (and sent) of God; asserted and defended, in several tracts contained in this volume; the titles whereof the reader will find in the following leaf. And after that a preface to the whole, or an exhortation to an impartial and free enquiry into the doctrines of religion ....
The Faith of one God, who is only the Father; : and of one mediator between God and men, who is only the man Christ Jesus; and of one Holy Spirit, the gift (and sent) of God; asserted and defended, in several tracts contained in this volume; the titles whereof the reader will find in the following leaf. And after that a preface to the whole, or an exhortation to an impartial and free enquiry into the doctrines of religion ....
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