View of Deansgate, Manchester. The Cathedral can be seen in the far distance at the end of Deansgate. The wide cobbled road is lined with stone buildings housing shops and businesses. Some shop fronts have awnings protruding out over the pavement. Tramlines run down the centre of the road and a tram is just visible moving towards the far end of Deansgate. A horse-drawn buggy can also be seen with a top-hatted driver. Street lights line the pavement and pedestrians are milling around. A man in a white suit and boater hat is one distinctive figure.
View of Deansgate, Manchester. The Cathedral can be seen in the far distance at the end of Deansgate. The wide cobbled road is lined with stone buildings housing shops and businesses. Some shop fronts have awnings protruding out over the pavement. Tramlines run down the centre of the road and a tram is just visible moving towards the far end of Deansgate. A horse-drawn buggy can also be seen with a top-hatted driver. Street lights line the pavement and pedestrians are milling around. A man in a white suit and boater hat is one distinctive figure.