Detail View: Medieval Collection: The Crusades

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
French MS 99
Image Title: 
The Crusades
Parent Work Title: 
Histoire Universelle
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
Chronicle Roll
Translated Parent Work Title: 
Universal history
Date Created: 
15th century
Frame sixteen
Image Sequence Number: 
Vellum roll depicting a chronological history from the creation to 15th century France. It contains 65 painted medallions. The first column relates to the Christian Church in Rome and the line of popes to Stephen V (listed as Pelagius, John III, Benedict I, Pelagius II, Gregory I, Boniface IV, Deusdedit, Boniface V, Honorius I, Severinus, John IV, Theodore I, Martin I, Eugene I, Vitalian, Adeodatus, Boniface [?], Agatho, Benedict II, John V, Conon, Sergius I, Leo II [out of sequence], John VI, John VII, Sisinnius, Constantine, Gregory II, Gregory III, Zachary, Stephen III, Paul I, Constantine [?], Stephen IV, Adrian I, Leo III and Stephen V). The second column lists the line of Roman Emperors from Constantine III to Lothair I (Constantine III [given as IV], Constantine IV [given as V], Justinian II, Leontius, Tiberius III, Justinian II [restored], Philippe {Bardanes], Anastasius II, Theodosius III, Constantine V, Leo IV, Constantine VI, Irene, Charlemagne, Louis the Pious and Lothair I). From Charlemagne the Emperor is from the same dynasty as the French kings. The third column charts the Carolingian dynasty: Louis the German [= Ludwig, King of the East Franks], Lothair I and Charles the Bald (Charles le Chauve), Charles's son Louis the Stammerer (Louis le Bègue), brother of Charles the Child, Carloman and Judith of Flanders, Charles the Simple, Rudolph, Louis IV and Louis V. After Louis V the monarchy passes to the Capetian dynasty with Hugh Capet, son of Hugh the Great, and Robert II. The fourth column continues with the line of Norman kings: William II, Henry I, Stephen and the Empress Maud [= Matilda], Maud's son Henry II, and his children Henry [co-regent], Richard I, John, Eleanor [= Leonora] and Joan, and John's children, Richard, Duke of Cornwall, Isabel and Eleanor. There is a short paragraph about Thomas à Becket, then a lengthy section on the Crusades, with particular mention of Godfrey of Bouillon, his brothers Baldwin and Eustace, and other French dukes. The medallions depict events from the text, including St Gregory (53), Charlemagne (54), the crowning of Hugh Capet (55) and Godfrey of Bouillon riding to the crusade (56).
Language Code: 
Great Britain--History
Roman history
Catholic Church
Category of Material: 
Miniatures [paintings]
Technique Used: 
Illumination (image-making process)
Time Period Covered: 
500-1000 CE; 1000-1200 CE
Places Covered: 
Great Britain
Places Covered: 
Places Covered: 
Places Covered: 
Israel: Jerusalem
People Covered: 
Pelagius I, Pope, -561
People Covered: 
Pelagius II, Pope, 520-590
People Covered: 
John III, Pope, -574
People Covered: 
Benedict I, Pope, -579
People Covered: 
Constantine III, Emperor of the East, -641
People Covered: 
Constantine IV, Emperor of the East, -685
People Covered: 
Justinian II, Emperor of the East, 669-711
People Covered: 
Leontius, Emperor of the East, -698
People Covered: 
Tiberius III, Emperor of the East, -705
People Covered: 
Philippicus Bardanes, Emperor of the East, -713
People Covered: 
Charlemagne, Emperor, 742-814
People Covered: 
Louis I, Emperor, 778-840
People Covered: 
Lothair I, Emperor, 795-855
People Covered: 
Charles II, King of France, 823-877
People Covered: 
William II, King of England, 1056?-1100
People Covered: 
Henry I, King of England, 1068-1135
People Covered: 
Henry II, King of England, 1133-1189
People Covered: 
Stephen, King of England, 1097?-1154
People Covered: 
Matilda, Empress, consort of Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1102-1167
People Covered: 
John, King of England, 1167-1216
People Covered: 
Boniface, IV, Pope, -615
People Covered: 
Deusdedit, Pope, -618
People Covered: 
Boniface V, Pope, -625
People Covered: 
Honorius I, Pope, -638
People Covered: 
John IV, Pope, -642
People Covered: 
Theodore I, Pope, -649
People Covered: 
Martin I, Pope, -655
People Covered: 
Eugene I, Pope, -657
People Covered: 
Vitalian, Pope, -672
People Covered: 
Benedict II, Pope, - 685
People Covered: 
John V, Pope, -686
People Covered: 
Conon, Pope, -687
People Covered: 
Sergius I, Pope, -701
People Covered: 
Leo, II, Pope, -683
People Covered: 
John VII, Pope, -707
People Covered: 
John VI, Pope, -705
People Covered: 
Sisinnius, Pope, -708
People Covered: 
Constantine, Pope, -715
People Covered: 
Gregory II, Pope, -731
People Covered: 
Gregory III, Pope, -741
People Covered: 
Zacharias, Pope, -752
People Covered: 
Paul I, Pope, -767
People Covered: 
Leo III, Pope, 795-816
People Covered: 
Stephen V, Pope, -817
People Covered: 
Stephen III, Pope, -757
People Covered: 
Stephen IV, Pope, -772
People Covered: 
Theodosius III, Emperor of the East, -717
People Covered: 
Constantine V Copronymus, Emperor of the East, 718-775
People Covered: 
Constantine VI, Emperor of the East, 771-
People Covered: 
Leo IV, Emperor of the East, -780
People Covered: 
Irene, Empress of the East, 752?-803
People Covered: 
Charles III, King of France, 879-929
People Covered: 
Rudolph, King of France, -936
People Covered: 
Louis IV, King of France, 921-954
People Covered: 
Louis V, King of France, 967?-987
People Covered: 
Lothair, King of France, 941-986
People Covered: 
Hugh Capet, King of France, approximately 938-996
People Covered: 
Robert II, King of France, approximately 970-1031
People Covered: 
Thomas, Becket, Saint, 1118?-1170
People Covered: 
Godfrey, of Bouillon, approximately 1060-1100
People Covered: 
Louis II, King of France, 846-875
People Covered: 
Agatho, Pope, -681
People Covered: 
Adrian I, Pope, -795
People Covered: 
Adeodatus II, Pope, -676
People Covered: 
Richard I, King of England, 1157-1199
People Covered: 
John, King of England, 1167-1216
People Covered: 
Louis II, King of France, 846-875
People Covered: 
Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
People Covered: 
Anastasius II, Emperor of the East, -715
Item Height: 
17230 mm (roll)
Item Width: 
686 mm (roll)
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Coppock, Mrs, former owner
Lindsay family Earls of Crawford and Balcarres, former owner
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright of The University of Manchester
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.7.
Bought from Mrs Coppock of Newquay in January 1908.
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Multi Page Number: 
Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by Gten
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