Festial of John Mirk. Written in secretary with anglicana 'e', 'g' and less frequently, 'r'. Decoration: 2-line initials and highlighting in red, with occasional pointing hands in the margins, throughout the Festial. Written space is ca 150 x 95 mm with 28-36 lines per column. Frame-ruled with a hard point. Several leaves missing and damaged, getting more fragmentary towards the end.
Festial of John Mirk. Written in secretary with anglicana 'e', 'g' and less frequently, 'r'. Decoration: 2-line initials and highlighting in red, with occasional pointing hands in the margins, throughout the Festial. Written space is ca 150 x 95 mm with 28-36 lines per column. Frame-ruled with a hard point. Several leaves missing and damaged, getting more fragmentary towards the end.