Collection of medical recipes, charms and lists of herbs in several hands. Written on paper in England, part of which probably by 'Richard Wermyncham Spens' whose name is written on folio 5v, and also by 'Ricard Denyas' whose name appears on folio 68v. There appears to have been a mistake in the foliation as this folio is numbered folio 49, with folio 48 having been missed out.
Collection of medical recipes, charms and lists of herbs in several hands. Written on paper in England, part of which probably by 'Richard Wermyncham Spens' whose name is written on folio 5v, and also by 'Ricard Denyas' whose name appears on folio 68v. There appears to have been a mistake in the foliation as this folio is numbered folio 49, with folio 48 having been missed out.