Detail View: Medieval Collection: Edward III

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
English MS 103
Previous Accession Number: 
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Image Title: 
Edward III
Alternative Image Title: 
Sir Roger Mortimer
Parent Work Title: 
Brut Chronicle (1347 Continuation)
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
Brute or the Chronicles of England
Date Created: 
14th century [mid]
Image Sequence Number: 
The words ' Edward 3 ' are written in the top margin. Roger Mortimer is captured and brought before the King, accused of treason and sentenced to death. There is damage to the outer edge of the folio making some of the text difficult to read. The written space is c.182 x 112 mm and the script is anglicana formata.
in euele deþ eu(er)ichone and anon on of þat was in þ(e) Mounta- gues companye vp w(t) a mace and smote þe same Hughe vppon þe heued þat þe brayn brast out and fel on þ(e) grounde and so was he ded on euele deth // þo nomen þey Mortym(er) as he [ar]mede him at þ(e) Toures dore whanne he herde þe noy se of ham for drede: And whanne þe Quene .Js(abel). saugh that þe Mortymer was taken: she made muche sorwe in herte and þese wordes vnto ham saide // Now. faire syres y ȝow pray þat ȝe done non harme vnto his body a worþy knyght our wel biloued frende and oure dere cosin // þo wente þey þen nes and comen and broughte þe Mortymer and p(re)sentede him vnto þe king Edward: and he co(~)maundede to bringe him in to sauf warde // But anon as þey þ(t) were consent vnto þe Mortimers doynge herde telle þat he was take þey wente and hid ham and p(ri)uyleche by nyghte wente out of þ(e) toun eu(er)ich in his side w(t) heuy herte and mornynge and leuede vppon hire landes as wel as þey myghte // And so þat same ȝere þat þe Mortymer was take he had at his retenu .ix. score knyȝtes. w(t)oute esquyers and seriauntȝ of armeȝ and foote men and þo was þe Mortym(er) lad to Londou(~) and S(ire) Symond of Bereforde was lad w(t) him & was take to þe Constable to kepe // But aftirward was þe Mortym(er)s lif examined at Westmynstr(e) .bifore þe king & bifore alle þe grete lordes of Engelonde. for p(er)il þ(t) mighte fal- le to þe reaume and to enquere also whiche wer(e) assentinge to S(ire) Edwardes deþ þe king(es) fader and also þorugh wham þe Scottis ascapede fro Stanhope. in to Scotlande w(t)oute þe wille of king Edwarde // And also how þ(e) Chartre of Ra- geman. was delyu(er)ed vnto þe Scottis. where ynne þ(e) hom geȝ and þe feauteȝ of Scotlande were conteynede þat þe Scottis shulde don eu(er)more vnto þe kinges of Engelonde for þe reaume of Scotlande wherfore in his absence he was dampned to ben drawe and honged for his tresoun // And þis mischief come vnto him in sent Andreus eue
Language Code: 
Great Britain--History
Chronicles of England--Manuscripts
Chronicles of England
Category of Material: 
Technique Used: 
Time Period Covered: 
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered: 
Item Height: 
278 mm
Item Width: 
183 mm
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 417. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.23.
Bibliographic Citation: 
Brie, Friedrich W. D., 'The Brut, or, the Chronicles of England / edited from Ms. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library &c.', (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner for the Early English Text Society, 1906-1908)
Purchased by the John Rylands Library from the London booksellers J. & J. Leighton for £36.00 on 18 June 1908.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd): 
Multi Page Number: 
Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
Date Image Added (yyyy-mm): 
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