Detail View: Medieval Collection: King John

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
English MS 103
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Image Title: 
King John
Parent Work Title: 
Brut Chronicle (1347 Continuation)
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
Brute or the Chronicles of England
Date Created: 
14th century [mid]
Image Sequence Number: 
The word 'John' is written in the top margin of the folio. Red rubrication and an illuminated initial 'A' introduce the tale of how King John puts all his prisoners to death, except a clerk who Pandolf delivers. The tale of how the legates return to tell the Pope that King John will not bow to his demands, and how the Pope gives leave for Mass to be said for sick men, and for children to be baptised. The Pope asks the King of France for his help to destroy King John. The written space is c.182 x 112 mm and the script is anglicana formata.
sage and his wille þat we were chargede with How Pan- dolf delyu(er)ede a clerk þat had falsede and count(er)feted þe king(es) monee bifore þ(e) king him self Capitulo Centesimo q(ui)n [...] q(ua)gesimo Anon þo comaundede þe king þe Sherrefs and [...] Baillifs of Norh(a)mptou(~)þat were in þe kinges p(re)sence þat þey shulde bringe forth. alle þe p(ri)son(er)s þat þey mighte ben don vnto þe deth bifore Pandolf: for enchesou(~) þe king wen- de þat þey wolde haue gayn sayde hire dedes for cause of deth al þing þ(t) he had spoken byfore // Whanne þ(e) p(ri)soners were comen bifore þe king: þe king comaundede somme to ben hongede and somme to drawe out hire eyen of hire hed and among alle oþ(er). þ(er) was a clerk þat had falsede þe king(es) monee. and þe king comaundede þat he shulde ben honged & draw // and whanne Pandolf herde þis co(~)maundement of þe king. he stert him vp smartely. and anon axede a book and candele and wolde haue cursed alle ham þa sette vp on þe clerc eny honde // And Pandolf him self wente for to seche a cros: and þe king folwede him and delyu(er)ede him þe clerc by þe hande þat he shulde don w(t) him what eu(er)e þat he wolde. and þus was þe clerc delyuered and. duraunt his felawe wente þo fro king. Joh(a)n and come aȝen to þe pope of Rome and tolde him þ(t) king Joh(a)n wolde nouȝt amended ben. but eu(er)e abide so accursede // And noþeles þe pope g(ra)un tede þat ȝere þorugh out. Engelond þat men myghte synge masses in couenable chirches and make godes body and ȝeue it to sike me(~) þat passe shulde out of þis worlde. and also þ(t) men myghte c(ri)stene children ou(er) al // And whanne þ(e) pope wiste and saugh þat þe king wolde nouȝt ben vnder þe rewele of holy chirche for no man(er)e þing: þe pope þo sente to þe king of ff(ra)unce. in remissiou(~) of his synnes. þ(t) he shulde take with him al þe poer þat he myghte. and wende in to Engelond for to destroie king. Joh(a)n. whanne þis tydinge come to king Joh(a)n. þo was he sore annoyed and sore adrad lest þat he shulde lese his reaume and him self ben don to
Language Code: 
Great Britain--History
Catholic Church
Chronicles of England--Manuscripts
Chronicles of England
Category of Material: 
Technique Used: 
Technique Used: 
Illumination (image-making process)
Time Period Covered: 
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered: 
People Covered: 
John, King of England, 1167-1216
Item Height: 
278 mm
Item Width: 
183 mm
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 417. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.23.
Bibliographic Citation: 
Brie, Friedrich W. D., 'The Brut, or, the Chronicles of England / edited from Ms. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library &c.', (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner for the Early English Text Society, 1906-1908)
Purchased by the John Rylands Library from the London booksellers J. & J. Leighton for £36.00 on 18 June 1908.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd): 
Multi Page Number: 
Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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