Image Number:
Reference Number:
English MS 103
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Image Title:
King Harold and Duke William of Normandy
Alternative Image Title:
The Battle of Hastings
Parent Work Title:
Brut Chronicle (1347 Continuation)
Alternative Parent Work Title:
Brute or the Chronicles of England
Date Created:
14th century [mid]
Image Sequence Number:
The header 'Harold' appears in the top margin and 'William I (cxxxiii)' appears in the margin. Red rubrication and an illuminated initial ' A ' introduce the tale of how King Harold fights William of Normandy at Hastings (Hastynge) and Tonbridge (Tonbrigge), and is slain There is scribal repetition of 'come in to' . Red rubrication and an illuminated initial ' W ' introduce the tale of how William Bastard, Duke of Normandy, is crowned King of England, and was a worthy king. The written space is c.182 x 112 mm and the script is anglicana formata.
come in to Engelond and quelde king Harold. Cao. vjxx. xii. And whanne þis bataile was done Harolde bicome so proute and wolde no þing p(ar)te wiþ his peple of þing þat he had gette. but helde it al toward him self wherfore þe most p(ar)t of his men were wroth and fram him departede so þat onliche w(t) him lefte no mo but his soudyo(ur)s// And vp- on a day as he sat at mete: a messang(er) come to him and saide þat William Bastard Duk of Normandie was arry- ued in Engelonde wiþ a gret host and had taken al þ(e) lande. aboute Hastyng. and had also myned þe castel.//. whanne þe king had herde þis tyding: he wente þider w(t) a litel pe ple w(t) al þe haste þ(t) he mighte for a litel peple was with him lefte // And whanne he was come þeder: he ordeigned for to ȝyue bataile to þe Duk Will(ia)m: but þ(e) Duk axede him of þise .iij. þinges. ȝif þat he wolde haue his doughter to wif as he had made and suoren his oth and bihight. or þat he wolde halde þe lande of him in truage or that he wol- de det(er)mine þis þing þorugh bataile // þis Harold was a prout man and a(~) stoute and truste wond(er) moche vppon his owene strengþ(e) and faught wiþ þe Duk and w(t) his peple but Harold. and his men were descomfitede and him self was þere slayn and þis bataile was ended at. Tonbrigg(e) in þe secunde ȝere of his regne vppo sent Kalixtes day & he lith at Walth(a)m Of king William Bastard and how he gou(er)nede him wel and wisely & of þ(e) werr bituene him [...] and þe king of ff(ra)unce. Capo Centesi(~)o. xiijo. Whanne Wil [...] liam Bastard Duk of Normandie had conquered al þe lande vppon Cristemasse day þo next sewynge. he lete croune him king at Westmynstre and was a worþy king and ȝaf to englissh men largely landes and to his knyȝtes // And aftirward he wente ouer þe see and come in to Normandye and þere duellede a while. and in þe se cunde ȝer of his regne he come aȝen in to Engelonde and broughte wiþ him Maude his wif and lete croune hire
Language Code:
Chronicles of England
Great Britain--History
Chronicles of England--Manuscripts
Category of Material:
Technique Used:
Illumination (image-making process)
Time Period Covered:
1000 - 1200 CE
Places Covered:
People Covered:
Harold, King of England, 1022?-1066
People Covered:
William I, King of England, 1027 or 8-1087
Item Height:
278 mm
Item Width:
183 mm
Current Repository:
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Rights Holder - Image:
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work:
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights:
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 417. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.23.
Bibliographic Citation:
Brie, Friedrich W. D., 'The Brut, or, the Chronicles of England / edited from Ms. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library &c.', (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner for the Early English Text Society, 1906-1908)
Purchased by the John Rylands Library from the London booksellers J. & J. Leighton for £36.00 on 18 June 1908.
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Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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