Detail View: Medieval Collection: Stonehenge

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
English MS 103
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Image Title: 
Parent Work Title: 
Brut Chronicle (1347 Continuation)
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
Brute or the Chronicles of England
Date Created: 
14th century [mid]
Image Sequence Number: 
How the Britouns fought King Guylomer of Ireland for the stones, and how Merlyn placed them at Stonhenge (Stonehenge). Red rubrication and an illuminated initial 'A' introduce the tale of how Passent, Vortiger's son, seeks the help of King Guylomer to avenge the death of his father. The written space is c.182 x 112 mm and the script is anglicana formata.
wolde gon to seche þo stones . and nome wiþ ham Vter þ(e) kinges broþ(er) to ben hire chyueteyne and xv. thousand men and M(er)lyn counceled ham for to gon in to Irland and so þei deden . / And whanne þe king of Irland þat me callede Guylomer herde telle þat st(ra)ungers were arryued in his land : he assemblede a gret poer and fought aȝens ham : but he and his folc were descomfited the britouns wente biforn til þey come to þe mou(~)t of Kylyan and clymede vnto þe mount . but whenne þey sawe þe stones and þ(e) man(er)e how þey stoden . þey hadde gret meruaile and sayde bituene ham þat no man shulde ham remeue for no strengþ(e) ne engyne so huge þey weren and so longe . But Merlyn þorugh his craft and queyntise remeuede ham and broughte ham in to hire shipes and come aȝen in to þis lande and Merlyn sette þe stones þ(er)e þat þe king wolde haue ham & sette ham in þ(e) same man(er)e þat þey stoden in Irland . and whan þe king saugh þat it was made he þankede M(er)lyn and richely him rewardede at his owene wille and þat place he lete calle Stonhenge for eu(er)more . How passent þat was Vortigers sone and þe king Guillomer come in to þis lande and how a t(ra)yto(ur) þat me callede Coppa enpoysonede þ(e) king Aurilambros . C(o). lxvij(o). And me(~) shullen vndirstande þat Passent þat was Vor- tigers sone leuede in þe same time and come in to þis lande wiþ a gret poer and arryuede in þe Northcuntre and wolde ben avenged of his fadres deth Vortig(er) . and strongly triste oppon þe companye þat he had brought wiþ him out of þe lande of Germayne and had conquered al þe Northcuntr(e) vnto York // And whan king Aurilambros herde þis : he asse(~)- blede a gret poer of Britouns . and went for to fighte wiþ him : and he and his peple were descomfited : but Passent ascapede þenne wiþ some of his folc . and fled þennes in to Irlande and come to king Guyllomer and prayed him of helpe and socoure : þe king g(ra)untede him wiþ good wille . and saide .J. wolde helpe ȝow oppon þat couenaunt þat J my self moste gon wiþ ȝow wiþ al my poer in to Britaigne and .J.
Language Code: 
Arthurian romances
Ireland--History--To 1172
Chronicles of England
Chronicles of England--Manuscripts
Great Britain--History
Category of Material: 
Technique Used: 
Illumination (image-making process)
Time Period Covered: 
1 BCE - 500 CE
Places Covered: 
Places Covered: 
England: Wiltshire: Stonehenge
People Covered: 
Merlin (Legendary character)
People Covered: 
Vortigern, active 450
Item Height: 
278 mm
Item Width: 
183 mm
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 417. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.23.
Bibliographic Citation: 
Brie, Friedrich W. D., 'The Brut, or, the Chronicles of England / edited from Ms. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library &c.', (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner for the Early English Text Society, 1906-1908)
Purchased by the John Rylands Library from the London booksellers J. & J. Leighton for £36.00 on 18 June 1908.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd): 
Multi Page Number: 
Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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