Detail View: Medieval Collection: Notes on urine

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
English MS 404
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Image Title: 
Notes on urine
Parent Work Title: 
Collection of Medical Recipes, Charms, etc.
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
English Medical Manuscript
Date Created: 
15th century
Image Sequence Number: 
Uroscopy up to line 18. Lines 19-21 are a culinary recipe in a different scribal hand, and a third scribal hand from line 22 'To knowe a manys water froe a womanys', also a surgical note on childbirth. $ letterform corrected after intial error. Marginalia in left margin next to lines 7-9: '[*] jn woman [*]e hath [*]oncevd'. The written space is c. 163 x 115 mm and the script is anglicana.
1. vryn[e] þ(t) is full of ryoll & la[n]gstond /& brekys noght it 2. is tokyn of wynde closd in þe bowellys /& it is tokyn 3. of spyce of colica passio if þe vryne be reed / vryne fat 4. a boue is tokyn of a bade stomak / vryne þ(t) hath 5. fa[ces] shynende asse in a meror in a ma(n) þ(t) is tokyn 6. þ(t) he is hurt in þe sp(^l)ene or þ(t) he hath a postyme of 7. blod / & in a woman it is tokyn þ(t) sche hath con- 8. seyued a knaue chyld / vryne þ(t) hath smale dyu- (thyngs) 9. uys vndr þe serckyll / it is to kenynge þ(t) rewme of 10. þe hed is fallyn downe to þe brest // B[u]tty vryne 11. is browyn hauend a blak serkyll bytwyx to 12. reed serkylys in cause of hete / Cutty Wayr 13. in cause of cold is white hauend a broune ser- 14. kyll (^b)etwyx towe [*] cytu(ur) serkelis / vryne red as wyne 15. is tok[e]ynyng of gret hete in þe body & all (^so) of þe purpilys // . 16. vryne shynend as gold is token of gode hele & lykynge- 17. nes of herte // vryne of man þ(t) is whit & full of 18. bran is tokyn of þe morfewe & c(etera) 19. Take jariuavnddar the whiche herbe is grenne and stoppe a henne (^or) cappou(~) (^or) come 20. or othir (^fowlys) they beyng holde jn age. othur newe kelid & Roste hym up them forth 21. with and thay shall be tendyr as a yonge chekyn[~] : . 22. To knowe a manys wat(er) froe a womanys . Take ye ere wex and 23. a batt as meche as a penys hedde or more & putte yn(~) to 24. the vryn and if it bydde a bowue it is a manys wat(er) and 25. yeff it gooe downe it is womanys wat(er). 26. To torne a chelde if it lye ou(er) thwart in the motheris belle 27. Take ij croppis of cot[h]n wode & shaffe it in your hondde 28. and putte it in hire nos[*] relys leche meche and þe shelde 29. shalle torne & þe mothir be sovnne be delyu(er)yd w(t) godys helpe
Language Code: 
Category of Material: 
Technique Used: 
Time Period Covered: 
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered: 
Item Height: 
207 mm
Item Width: 
140 mm
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Acquired by the John Rylands Library as part of Mrs Rylands's bequest; accessioned in September 1928.
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), pp. 424-25. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.49.
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Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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