Medieval Collection
Image Number:
Reference Number:
English MS 404
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Image Title:
Notes on urine
Parent Work Title:
Collection of Medical Recipes, Charms, etc.
Alternative Parent Work Title:
English Medical Manuscript
Date Created:
15th century
Image Sequence Number:
Uroscopy. {...} scribe has crossed out 'w(t)'. Line 19 glette = gleet =slime. Line 22 = measles or leprosy. Marginalia: l.3: 'ston'; l.15: 'rewefull'; l.18: 'dedly'; under 'shanende' on line 30 is written: .'sha[v]nyng', perhaps by way of correcting or shedding light on a more antiquated spelling form; left margin near 'trobly' line 11: 'havtyd'; left of line 23: (*unreadable but could be 'stone'); left of line 25: 'bake' left of line 26: 'stone'; left of line 27: 'bladd(er)'; left of line 28 and 29: '[*st*ngge=] lyvm(~)'. The written space is c. 163 x 115 mm and the script is anglicana.
1. & in woman is tokyn of sekenesse in matrice but it 2. shall torne to þe lyue wryn qwhit as whey and 3. lytyll in q(u)utte is tokyn of ston in þe bak or in þe bledd(er) 4. vryne whit as wate(er) is tokyn of cold in þe body & yff 5. þ(er) be mots þ(er) in as [o]r mots in þe sonys beyme it his tokyn 6. of cold dropsy & yf mots torne blak it is token of dethe // 7. vryn in [qu]rtay[m]ys white is tokyn of a cold q(u)rtay(~) 8. causyd of malencoly & þ(er) for he suffyres of cold þan of 9. hete vryn whit & thike as wy[th]te wyne dryggys is 10. tokyn of a flewmatyk feu(er)e in þe stomake // vryne 11. trobly & reed be þe botyme as to of a feu(er) agew & þ(t) 12. þe lyuer is hausyd & he is vpset a bowte þe spu(~)a lest 13. vryne swarte & yelew is token of jaundys & if þe 14. ryole be yel[o]w w(t) þ(t) is token þ(t) he his hot dropsy & suffyrs 15. sor atte þe stomake vryne of purpyll color is token 16. of p(er)alise comendyd or p(ar)sent /./ vryne [r]ew a[s] chamele her(*) 17. yf hit be ful of smale mots & blake it is tokyn of 18. dely dropsy vryne row (^full) & full of white mots & 19. gle[tt]e of þe vryn sty(~)k noght it is tokyn of a pos- 20. tyme in þe leges & if þe vryn stynke it is tokyn of 21. a ba(*)kward vryne ful of plates wau(er) (it) is tokyn of 22. a mesell in a maw / & in a woman it is token þ(t) 23. che ys whythe chyld & þe child is deyd with in here 24. vryne full of g(ra)uell if it be reed it is to kyne of 25. stone in þe bak if it be whit it is token of þe ston 26. in þe bladdr / vryne full of bran it is tokyn of [ot] 27. abydnos in þe bladder / vryne whit & full of kyend 28. is tokyn of str[au]g[u]rys & þ(t) he pessyth drop[m]el 29. & iff it passe a yere it [i]s incurable vryne þ(t) hath a cloude 30. shauende a bou þ(t) is tokyn þ(t) he is herte in þe spu(~)el
Language Code:
Category of Material:
Technique Used:
Time Period Covered:
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered:
Item Height:
207 mm
Item Width:
140 mm
Current Repository:
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Acquired by the John Rylands Library as part of Mrs Rylands's bequest; accessioned in September 1928.
Rights Holder - Image:
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work:
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights:
Creative Commons License
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), pp. 424-25. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.49.
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Image Creation Technique:
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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Notes on urine

Notes on urine