Image Number:
Reference Number:
English MS 404
Link to Catalogue:
Image Title:
Notes on urine
Parent Work Title:
Collection of Medical Recipes, Charms, etc.
Alternative Parent Work Title:
English Medical Manuscript
Date Created:
15th century
Image Sequence Number:
Notes on herbs give way half way down the folio to notes on the colours of urine, qualities of waters, four seasons of the year and four humours on line 12. An ink line divides the folio at the change of scribe on line 11. Line 3 the word 'reue' is written above 'reue'. Line 18 (** dre*) two words faintly written above the word 'drowht'. The written space is c. 163 x 115 mm and the script is anglicana.
1. & it is gode for þ(e) hede akyng take & stampe 2. it w(t) vynegr & make a plastyr to þ(e) te(~)plys. 3. Reue is hote & drye in iij degr it ys gode for 4. drynesse of iʒen make wat(er) of ru & of roses 5. & do þ(er) of yn thyn iʒen Also for Ache of tethe 6. seth rue yn wyn & make a plast(er) to þ(e) chek(es) 7. Anoþ(er) take þ(e) stalkys of rue & bren hem Alytyl 8. & take Askys þ(er) of & do it in to þ(e) hoole of the 9. toth Also for bleryd iʒen take þ(e) jus of rue 10. & poud(er) of comyn & medle hem to gedyr And 11. wete coton & lay þ(er) to tyle it be hole. & c 12. Wryne is seid whay of blode for as þ(e) whay comes of 13. þ(e) mylke / so comys þ(e) vryne of þ(e) blode / Aftyr þ(e) iiij 14. qualites of man þ(t) is to say / Colire blod malen- 15. coly / & flewme þ(er) aryn ij q(ua)lites workynge hete & 16. cold / & to q(ua)lyteys sufferynge þ(t) aryn. dry & moyste. 17. . hete ys cause off rednesse in vryne ./& whyt is cause 18. of cold in vryn./ Drowht is cause of clernes in vryn. 19. . & moyster ys cause of thyknes in vryn./ & þ(er) fore euery 20. vryn is red / & thyk or red & clere / Or white & thyk / or 21. white & clere / vryn reed & thyk / whitnes þ(t) blod hath 22. þ(e) mastrye jn þ(t) vryne blod is hoot & moyste heyte is cause 23. of rednes / & moystyr is cause of thyknes in vryne / vryne 24. red & clere wetnesset þ(t) red color hath þ(e) mastry reed 25. color as hot & dry / & falowys þe q(ua)lites of þ(e) for heed is cause / 26. reed vryne / & drowthe is cause of clernesse in vryn /
Language Code:
Category of Material:
Technique Used:
Time Period Covered:
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered:
Item Height:
207 mm
Item Width:
140 mm
Current Repository:
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Acquired by the John Rylands Library as part of Mrs Rylands's bequest; accessioned in September 1928.
Rights Holder - Image:
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work:
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights:
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), pp. 424-25. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.49.
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Image Creation Technique:
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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