Medieval Collection
Image Number:
Reference Number:
English MS 404
Link to Catalogue:
Image Title:
Medical recipes
Parent Work Title:
Collection of Medical Recipes, Charms, etc.
Alternative Parent Work Title:
English Medical Manuscript
Date Created:
15th century
Image Sequence Number:
Medical recipes. line 5: !! the word is' ye' is written; the rest of the word 'yellow' does not appear on the folio. Line 6 - ! blank space after 'callyd'. It is possible the scribe intended to return to these two omissions but neglected to do so. Lines 7-9 in the left margin is written: 'cope of a noþ(er) bokoke', bracketed top and bottom in a rough rectangle. Line 14: triple punctus. Line 15: title underlined in a different ink (the ink used two lines below starting line 17). Line 22: attempt at unfamiliar letterform, mark or unknown diacritic over 'face'. The written space is c. 163 x 115 mm and the script is anglicana.
1. ffor to drenge in may Take femetore and drynge 2. hit forste & laste & it shall pvtte a whay all sekenesse & c(etera) 3. ffor A cotte or s[*]ott into [þ(e)] leselis of a mane . Take the 4. leffe or flowyr(e) or rotte of a crasse þ(t) growith vppe lengar(e) 5. þan aman & berith a ye[!!] . flowyr(e) & a longe leffe & a Rodde 6. w(t) sedde leke a tare & þ(t) grasce is callyd [!!!] & 7. stomppe þ(t) & pvtte it into wound as for as ye maye & it 8. will make it holle . 9. ffor a broste or broke skyn(~)e it is (^also) good for an bec[*] 10. Take cressoppe (^crowsape) leffe rotte or branche it is leke 11. to a nettyll leffe & ver(e) gren(~)e & nat her(e) & it 12. growith jn moste plott(es) & by þ(e) wat(er)syd(es) make 13. salve þ(er) of & leye to þi arme leegge fengyr(e) & wit 14. fo(^v)de dedefleshe & helle þ(e) sor(e) clenne : . 15. ffor þ(e) stonne . Take tyme & asshyn R[e]ys & make powd(er) 16. þ(er)of & drenke it fvrste & laste & also pvtit jn your(e) met . 17. ffor a man or woman þ(t) hath savlelyme . to do it 18. a wey out of þ(i) vysage Take stronge veneg(er) of white 19. wyne & a noynte eche daie thrys or iiij tymys þ(i) visache 20. þ(er) it is savv ssleme & it will breke outh a noynte it as it 21. ys be for(e) seyd vj dayes þ(t) þ(e) fleshe may þen owt but loke as 22. ofte as þ(u) a noynt(es) þ(i) face þ(t) also ofte þ(u) a noynte þ(i) hede i(~) þ(e) 23. nodill be hyne w(t) hote wat(er) & (^whn) it hath [r]one vj dais Take 24. & breke almonys i(~) a clowte & anoynte þ(er) w(t) þ(i) sawssleme 25. & it wil hele it vpe a non But loke þ(t) [all] þ(s) tyme þ(t) þ(u) doyst 26. þ(is) cur(e) þ(t) þ(e) seke cu(~) not i(~) þ(e) whyne til þ(t) it be hole . ffor þ(e) hede 27. ache / take & seth vervayne betayne & wormowode þ(er) w(t) 28. wasshe þ(e) hede & þ(an) make aplast(er) a bowe ou(er) þ(e) molde on þ(is)
Language Code:
Category of Material:
Technique Used:
Time Period Covered:
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered:
Item Height:
207 mm
Item Width:
140 mm
Current Repository:
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Acquired by the John Rylands Library as part of Mrs Rylands's bequest; accessioned in September 1928.
Rights Holder - Image:
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work:
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights:
Creative Commons License
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.49.
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), pp. 424-25. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd):
Multi Page Number:
Image Creation Technique:
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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Metadata Language:

Medical recipes

Medical recipes