Medieval Collection
Image Number:
Reference Number:
English MS 404
Link to Catalogue:
Image Title:
Medical recipes
Parent Work Title:
Collection of Medical Recipes, Charms, etc.
Alternative Parent Work Title:
English Medical Manuscript
Date Created:
15th century
Image Sequence Number:
Medical recipes. Line 2: 'stone' is written in the left margin. Line 5: 'also for the feuyr' is written in the left margin. The title of recipe lines 5-6 is written in a relatively careful hand (Anglicana). Line 9 % symbol = probatum est? and note the line space at end of recipe/paragraph. Line 10 $ = blotch or scribal error. Line 12: 'seke' is written as an interlineation at the end of line 12 and 'seke' has a line drawn above it to denote that it belongs to line 12. Line 13 'p(ro)batu(~)' is written in left margin. Line 23 'fodde' is written interlinearly underneath the end of line 23. Line 27 % = a further symbol denoting the end of paragraph/recipe, with dots in the loops akin to an infinity sign. Between lines 28-31 in the left margin, vertically, is written 'preuewell' with a mark pointing to the word 'shard'. The written space is c. 163 x 115 mm and the script changes here from secretary to anglicana.
1. ffor the stoune Take mowser þ(t) growith vppon a sto[u]ne wall . 2. and ye[n]glishe saveryn this ij drye then vppon a tylle & cre[m]e 3. them to powdir and than [B]ryng it w(t) malmesaye or w(t) 4. v[e]re goode al[t]e ffuste and laste /p(ro)batu(~) este/ 5. ffor a hette in the stomake and also to restor the lyu(er) and 6. the longis/ Take hartistonge and lyu(er)worte and dandelyon an 7. sorell and se[n]te mare gvld(es) and the melke th[*] still take the 8. juse of thisse and make with a posa[tt]e an yeffe the seke 9. to drynge [%] 10. ffor to moste [$]the mowth and harte/ Take sewgur 11. candysse or sewgur platte and all othur mowyst(ur) is saffe 12. be war of them that will gathur flume tha is not for –seke 13. ffor the feuir whn he comith cowle in his coming/ 14. Take aqua vite a sponfull an ij sponfull(es) of the juse of 15. aleosse and as [cor] moche thre yakyll as an hasyll note 16. and sterit to gethur(e) an if the seke drenke eu(er)y tyme he co(~)yth 17. ffor the hede hache Take beten and ley it to your te(~)pelys 18. or washe them with the wat(er) of beten an it will list[*] 19. also for the hedhache Take comyn an good alle drast(es) 20. and hette them to gethur(e) na ley to the hed an it will yse 21. A gode also ffor the feuir Take the rotte of a clotte 22. and braye it in a mort(er) an take the juse whan he 23. is comyng an drynge it with good alle j ij he shall fodde 24. ffor to cause a w(^h)erme to vodde frome man or woman 25. Take þ(e) lyu(er)e of a molle wille it is hotte & leye to þ(e) werme & [d]oe 26. of a noþ(er) molle v or vj plast(es)is tille hebreke & þ(an) le[i]e to oþ(er) plast(er)is 27. to drawe & helle [%] 28. Iffve a thorne be in manys boune or fleshe . Take a 29. shard (^[we]) be & make a plast(er) of hy(~) & ley he(~) ayente & he wyll 30. dreve hy(~) owte baskewarde & þ(er) as you ley hym he wyll 31. dreyve þe thorne afore hym p(ro)batu(~) est & c(etera)
Language Code:
Category of Material:
Technique Used:
Time Period Covered:
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered:
Item Height:
207 mm
Item Width:
140 mm
Current Repository:
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Acquired by the John Rylands Library as part of Mrs Rylands's bequest; accessioned in September 1928.
Rights Holder - Image:
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work:
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights:
Creative Commons License
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.49.
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), pp. 424-25. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd):
Multi Page Number:
Image Creation Technique:
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
Date Image Added (yyyy-mm):
Metadata Language:

Medical recipes

Medical recipes