Detail View: Medieval Collection: Medical recipes

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
English MS 404
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Image Title: 
Medical recipes
Parent Work Title: 
Collection of Medical Recipes, Charms, etc.
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
English Medical Manuscript
Date Created: 
15th century
Image Sequence Number: 
Medical recipes. Line 3, 'marcur' is written over 'merche'. Line 7 'leche' is written in the right margin; Gilbertus Anglicus has ' watir leche '. Line 11 ' hed hache ' is written in the right margin. Line 15: ' franc[*] ' is written in the right margin. Line 27 is joined in the left margin to line 22 by an ink line. Lines 29-31 are written in a different ink, and are meant to be inserted between ' yowlle ' and line 28. Between lines 29 and 30, ' p(ro)batu(~) est ' is written at the ends of the lines. Note that GA goes on after frenzy to describe mania and lethargy, which are omitted here. The written space is c. 163 x 115 mm and the script is mainly secretary.
1. ley hit warme upon his hede nyȝe his fore hede And if 2. his slep aswage his foly is a tokyn his evill passith þ(en) 3. wasshe his hede w(t) þe jus (^in Ar[u]r) of merche . And w(t) vynegre 4. eyþ(er) w(t) oyle of rosis and let hym be kept in meche 5. sylence And lete hym blood in þ(e) vayne þ(t) is in þ(e) medyll 6. of þ(e) forehede And lete hym streyne his necke þ(t) tyme w(t) 7. a toweyle or a sanape and if he blede nat jnowe take a wat 8. and kit his tayl and doo hym in þ(e) myddyl of his forehede 9. & let hym streyne his neke þ(t) tyme w(t) a towell or a sanape 10. and let hym sitt a bove þ(e) nose or in þ(e) temples besyde þ(e) 11. eyen and lete hym souke out blode til þei han soukyd as 12. meche as blood letynge is And if he be nat holpyn by all 13. þis doynges Take þ(e) jus of letuse or of portulate & medil 14. w(t) þ(e) oyle of roses or ellis of violet and w(t) a dra(~)me and an 15. half of opiu(~) And a noynt þ(er) w(t) his te(m)plis & his forehede 16. An litargie comiþe in to a ffrantike man it is 17. a tokyn of dethe. But if frensie comyþe to hym þ(t) hath 18. letargye it is a good tokyn And it is a p(ro)fitable to straw 19. his hous w(t) colde herbis and make and colde wat(er) rynne 20. nyre his chambre: and eu(er)y sekenesse if it be ful greuauns 21. in þe be gynnynge werke w(t) stronge medecynes ffor Scal- 22. dynge and bre(~)nyge Take shepis talowe & shepis 23. donge of ou(er)yche j liche meche and frye hem to gedir & 24. make a plastir & ley to þe soore as hoot as he may well 25. suffre ffor sore eyȝen Take calamynt sta[u]crap.ij. 26. unc(e) of aneys seed a dram(~)e of xxx . bayes fifty chosyn 27. Also ffor Bornyg Take egg(es) & seth them hardde & take the 28. yelkys . & owte of the(~) yowlle (^) and streke vppon the bornyg 29. (^) pvt þem in a panne & frye them a steppe & þ(t) þ(t) 30. rvnnyth so oute is yowle . Also þ(e) juce of syngrene 31. and þe whith of an swynyd & a nowte it is good .
Language Code: 
Category of Material: 
Technique Used: 
Time Period Covered: 
1200 - 1500 CE
Places Covered: 
Item Height: 
207 mm
Item Width: 
140 mm
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Acquired by the John Rylands Library as part of Mrs Rylands's bequest; accessioned in September 1928.
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.49.
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), pp. 424-25. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
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Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by Heritage Imaging, The University of Manchester Library
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